Next iPhone will recognize the master's voice?

iphone5-cameraAn iPhone (or an iPad) able to recognize your voice and obey complex commands - such as creating playlists of music or browse contacts and make calls - seems to become a reality less distant after the most recent request a patent filed by Apple in the U.S..
In the document presented at the office of registration of trademarks and patents to the U.S. manufacturer seeking registration of a patent for a process for recognition of different user profiles through the voice and execution of complex commands.
Among the actions described that the equipment should be able to enforce obedience to the voice of the user are, for example, research applications, contacts and media files, as well as the ability to enable its implementation, reproduction of content or make calls.
To be introduced in practice, the news may ultimately relieve the user from touching the screen of the device to carry out their tasks more often.
The manufacturer's interest for the area is not new news and not surprise that with the integration of voice commands were introduced the next version of the mobile operating system brand. Note that in April 2010 the manufacturer bought a small company responsible for creating an application that lets you interact with the iPhone through voice commands, 21-GVoiceSearchbeginning at the time is speculating about Apple's intentions.
The possibility is further integrate the role of the usual speculation about the directions to be followed by manufacturer, followed by the news that Apple had filed for a patent for a technology that holds the screen with no tactile fingerprints and various rumors on the characteristics of the next iPhone.

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