Number of European Ciberconsumers doubles

consumers(Corrected) Between 2005 and 2010, the number of Europeans using the Internet to shop has doubled from 20% to 40%, a study commissioned by the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection of the European Parliament.
For the values ​​achieved have contributed the growth of Internet access in homes of the European Union, which in turn almost doubled in that period analyzed, standing at 70% in 2010, according to the latest figures from Eurostat.
However, the report "Consumer behavior in the digital environment" emphasizes that the largest growth rates were recorded in countries where electronic commerce is more developed, showing that in Southern Europe and Eastern Europe, consumers are less likely shopping online.
Despite the growth of electronic commerce, most Internet users still prefer shopping at national sites, with only 23% to purchase goods and services company Web sites outside of your country.
According to the data gathered, the products are traded over the clothes and accessories and airline tickets, as opposed to computers and electronic products, apparently less desirable to purchase through the Internet for the citizens of the European Union.
Highlighting some benefits of electronic commerce, such as reducing the environmental costs and distribution, responsible for the analysis concluded, however, that the Internet is also a resource that facilitates access to illegal products, suggesting some changes in legislation.
Written under the new agreement Spell
Editor's Note: Corrected information in the first paragraph which states the time interval under consideration.

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