George the Robot Finds Home, and Renewed Fame, After 51 Years

george the robotRobot caregivers provide numerous benefits for the elderly. But, what happens when the robotsthemselves grow old, approach obsolescence and fade from memory? Some forlorn 'bots are, perhaps,left to aimlessly wander the streets, while others retire in dusty, forgotten warehouses. One 50-year-old British 'bot, though, is actually experiencing a comeback of epic proportions.
Tech maestro Tony Sale began assembling robots when he was 12 years old, and he eventually crafted his masterpiece, George, from the remnants of crashed military plane. The media and the public immediately fawned over George and his futuristic capabilities, but -- as with so many other fleeting stars -- the excitement waned and George found himself relegated to a storage shed.
The robot has definitely been reawakened, though, and he's set to appear on an upcoming episode of Nick Park's 'Wallace and Gromit's World of Invention.' Sale has also moved the resurgent robot into a new home at England's National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park. But don't worry about George possibly wallowing in unaccompanied boredom, as he now resides with another aged, established tech-superstar: Colossus, the massive World War II codebreaker computer. Oh, the stories they must tell.

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